Industial Cluters

Industry clusters are geographical concentrations and well defined themes under actors working in related spheres of economic activity in an Ecosystems. Different tools have been used to provide clustering of each theme towards ensuring that all clusters are well defined geographically and economically to encapsulate the areas of operation.

The clusters enables users and working organisations under the clusters to cooperate, share knowledge, build working groups, support research, build their capacity towards value add productivity of various economic activities across the regions while supporting data driven cluster development.

List of Industry Clusters.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in the manufacturing, management, operations and support of the Aviation, Unmanned Vehicles and Platforms. The cluster therefore, covers all institutions and professionals working in this sector with focus on technology advancement, innovation and Cybersecurity. Example; Airport management, Air Traffic Control & Management, Control Tower management, passenger handling and surveillance
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in the technological advancement of Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology sectors. The cluster definition focuses on the manufacturing and production of medical or agricultural applications. The cluster therefore will focus on technology advancement in the production, supply and administration value chain and Cybersecurity as a cross-cutting factor.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in geographic mapping and analysis of the earth, Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), Global positioning system (GPS), Spacecraft, satellites, space stations, orbital launch vehicles, deep space communication, and space exploration and control. The cluster therefore covers all professionals and institutions in this sector with a focus on technology advancement and innovation. Cybersecurity is a necessary factor that needs to be considered in developing and deploying the relevant technologies in this area.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in designing buildings and other physical structures. The cluster focuses on the advancement of digital tools for designing building and other physical structures. Cyber Security is a factor that should be considered.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in manufacturing goods, and products, and the development of industrial tools, machines, and technology solutions that would make production faster, simpler, and more efficient. The cluster is focused on implementing new manufacturing technologies and industrial machines. Cyber Security as it affects the manufacturing sector is a factor to be considered.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in educational institutions such as colleges, universities, research and development institutes, and organizations involved in developing and promoting technology solutions that enhance learning, innovation, research, and development. The cluster, therefore, covers all institutions and professionals working in this sector with a focus on technology advancement, innovation, and Cybersecurity.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in Tourism, travels, and Hospitality business such as Hostels, restaurants, travel agencies, travel and tour companies, film houses, and amusement and recreational centers. The cluster therefore focused on implementing solutions that would enable them to provide a convenient and more efficient service to clients and also accept secure online payment with consideration for Cyber-Security.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in providing financial technologies that make online transactions more convenient and easier. They provide platforms and integrations that make transaction switching, online payment, mobile payment services, revenue collections, and transaction settlement possible. Examples of such organizations include PTSP, PSP, Card Brands, Transaction Switching companies, Merchants, Fintech, Payment Card providers, and Online payment companies. The cluster, therefore, places a lot of emphasis on deploying secure innovative financial technology solutions. Cyber Security is a great requirement.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in Legal services and handling of litigations and prosecution of crimes. These include the lawyers, Judges, Police, and other professionals supporting the Legal system, The cluster needs to be well-positioned to effectively investigate and prosecute Cybercrime.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in transmitting data, voice, audio, or video and providing interconnectivity for organizations. The cluster, therefore, focuses on providing quality data services, high-quality audio, and video services with consistent connectivity. The nature of the service rendered by this cluster requires great attention to Cyber security.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in Data Analytics and creating innovative solutions based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning to simplify processes and decision-making. The cluster, therefore, focuses on using data analysis to improve decision-making and raise the efficiency of operations in general. Most of the cyber security solutions that are developed to protect organizations are based on AI, Machine learning, and Data Analytics
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in the gathering of digital evidence or data from a computer or a mobile device during investigations and to aid legal situations. The cluster most times conducts forensic investigations to uncover cybercrime and to support the prosecution of cyber criminals.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are the military and security agencies saddled with the responsibility of protecting the territorial integrity of a nation. This cluster plays a major role during the war which can either be physical or cyber-warfare
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in providing information technology services which include Hardware sales and maintenance, software development, Sales and implementation, Cyber security services, Networking, and IT training.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in the development, sales, and implementation of physical access security solutions to protect against unauthorized access to premises and also support effective physical security monitoring. The cluster, therefore, focuses on technological advancements and innovation around physical security and Cybersecurity as integrated control.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in promoting total wellness and a healthy society by providing technology solutions that would enhance access to medical treatment and effective medical service delivery through the use of digital devices such as mobile phones and computers. The cluster, therefore, focuses on providing innovative and convenient medical and healthcare-related solutions that are secure. This also requires the protection of vital information assets.
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in the management of the essential assets for the sustainable functioning of the society and economy. For instance, the Energy sector, Water, Health, Communications, and Defense. Emergency Services, Finance, etc
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in protecting individuals and companies against financial loss, and loss of assets as a form of risk management. The cluster, therefore, focuses on data management, business consultations, and high-level analysis
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in rendering financial services to individuals and organizations by accepting deposits and granting loans. This cluster, therefore, focuses on providing innovative banking and online payment services. This requires a high-level accountability and data management with a huge emphasis on cybersecurity due to the sensitive nature of the services being rendered
Organizations and Professionals under the cluster are involved in storing large amounts of data in servers for others. This cluster provides infrastructure and software as a service to its clients. Data storage and cloud computing are currently used extensively in all sectors as cloud computing makes data storage more convenient for companies and individuals. Cybersecurity is a key requirement due to the sensitive nature of the service.