If you wish to raise a complaint that relates to any of the CCIB services, including all the Initiatives, you should contact the CCIB service desk (Help@ccib.or.ke). If you wish to escalate the complaint then please contact the CCIB service desk manager (Complaintmanager@ccib.or.ke)
If you want to attend or sponsor our events email us at: events@ccib.or.ke
For purposes of external communication and Digital resources information support. Communications@ccib.or.ke
Technology and innovation, Research and Development is part of our philosophy, we are looking for technology, Research and Development partners to work with and also financial supporting partners to enable us deliver our work. Please get in touch and Partner with us for TI and R&D under the clusters. Partnership-TI@CCIB.or.ke
Citizen Service center for professional Cybercrime and Cyber terrorism advisory services. You will meet all our professionals to support you with professional cancelling, consultancy and recommendations on how to address your Cyber issues. Citizenservices@ccib.or.ke
Are you a Cybersecurity expert? This is the place to be for your career advancement and job opportunities. Get in touch with your professional experience and cluster focus in order to get the opportunity to deliver services to clients on demand. Fellows@CCIB.or.ke

Are you looking at supporting Cybersecurity professional through Cybersecurity awards platform? Be part of this great initiative and your company will feature prominently in the award ceremony adverts. Get in touch through this email and our coordinating team will take you through the process. Partnership. Cybersecawards@CCIB.or.ke

Partnerships and Sponsorships for the Watch- Online Child Protection Initiative– Watch initiative is dedicated for delivering online child protection services and educating parents and children on the pro and cons of being online at young age, how to protect children and how children needs to protect themselves while online. Support the initiative by reaching out to us through the email as we work together. Supportwatch-cop@ccib.or.ke

Is your child facing online exposure, bullying or attack of any case? Get in touch as soon as possible so that your case can be examined and resolved amicably with our professional experts. Do not hesitate; report all cases of Online Child Protection (COP) Watch is there for you. Watch-cop@ccib.or.ke

All Institutions/Organizations working with us, accredited by us, or seeking to work with us or seeking for accreditation MUST appoint a senior executive officer in writing to the bureau. Are you looking for accreditation services or do you require corporate support please get in touch. Corporateservices@ccib.or.ke
Us we deliver current and researched publications from distinguished team of research fellows from across the world. Our dedicated experts put together insightful publications that go a long way in boosting the work of professional in the industry and actors working in the sector. For further information on Publication and outreach please get in touch at Bureauoutreach@ccib.or.ke